Cory Li
After years of exploration, Cory found that southwest China is a paradise for naturalists. The more he saw, the more he feels like to explore. So he decided to quite his job as a chemical engineer and became a full time flora explorer. He wants to take people to find the beauty of those nature spirits, work on nature education for Chinese students, and help with the conservation of those endangered species.
Know more about Cory by video Plant Lover Li Lun by LOOKING WEST TO CHENGDU
Here are photos took by Cory Li which are his top 10 favorite flowers.
大金紫堇Corydalis dajingensis (Cory‘s English name is from this flower.)
宝兴报春Primula moupinensis
金脉鸢尾Iris chrysographes
西藏杓兰Cypripedium tibeticum
尖被百合Lilium lophophorum
川西绿绒蒿Meconopsis henrici
红花绿绒蒿Meconopsis punicea
全缘叶绿绒蒿Meconopsis integrifolia
桃儿七Sinopodophyllum hexandrum
紫花雪山报春Primula chionantha